MagShow newspaper WordPress theme. MagShow is responsive magazine grid WordPress theme for news blogs or gallery websites. It has useful theme options, primary and secondary menus, sticky sidebar, featured posts slider, 2 columns posts grid, full-width post/page templates, header image support, 60+ social buttons, RTL language support, right sidebar, 3 columns footer, scroll-to-top button and more. MagShow PRO version has colors and fonts options, news ticker, 1-10 columns posts grids, CSS or masonry grid types, 10+ thumbnail sizes and custom thumbnail size support for grids, Ajax powered grid/list/tabbed style featured posts widgets, more options for slider, custom content between grid posts, full or boxed layout types, 10+ layouts for singular/non-singular pages, 10+ custom page/post templates, 8 header layouts, width/layout type/layout style/header style/header image/footer style options for each post/page, settings panel for each post/page, post likes and post views, infinite scroll or load more feature, social widget, related posts, 25+ share buttons, 1-6 columns foot