wp-forecast free WordPress plugin
wp-forecast free WordPress plugin
You are reading the readme.txt file for the wp-forecast plugin.
wp-forecast is a plugin for the famous wordpress blogging package,
showing the weather-data from accuweather.com and/or weatherbug.com.
please also refer to the terms of usage of accuweather.com and weatherbug.com
Displays the weather data from AccuWeather.com and or WeatherBug.com
at your wordpress pages, posts or sidebar
Displays OpenUV.io data
Let you choose the
location (of course)
the time after the weather data is refreshed
the langugage (currently only english or german are
metric or american measures
windspeed unit
the forecast days
the daytime forecast for up to nine/seven days
the nighttime forecast for up to nine nights
support wordpress widgets, easy placement