Cherry Testimonials free WordPress plugin
Cherry Testimonials free WordPress plugin
Unveil customers’ feedback on your services to look more reliable to prospects. This easy-to-use plugin will let you add testimonials to any post and page of your site via shortcodes.
With Cherry Testimonials, you can prove your testimonials aren’t fake and were written by real people. Besides the testimonial itself, it’s possible to reveal a lot of details about its author. They include his name, photo, email, company he works in, his position, and link to the site of that company or his personal blog.
Note that you can hide the email, position, company’s name, and photo, if a customer doesn’t want you to reveal any of that data.
This WordPress plugin gives you freedom to customize testimonials the way you like. Its rich set of configuration options allows you to perform the following actions:
choose the layout type (list or slider);
set the number of testimonials to display;
specify the title and subtitle of the testimonial;
add a divider between the title and testimonial;
set the length of testimonials in words;
set the width of authors’ photos in pixels;
order testimonials by a specific attribute;
define the category to display testimonials from;
show testimonials with certain IDs.
If you choose a slider as the layout type to display testimonials, you can configure it in many ways. Here’s what you can do:
set the time between slide transitions;
enable a slider loop;
set a transition effect;
show pagination and navigation buttons;
set the number of slides per view;
set the structure of testimonials presentation using a template with macros.
Give a try to Cherry Testimonials if you want to add and manage customers’ reviews on your site with ease.
type Layout type (list, slider)
sup_title Specify the super title
title Specify the title
sub_title Specify the subtitle
divider Show/hide divider between titles and testimonials
limit Number of testimonials (limit=”-1″ – show all)
orderby Order testimonials by a specific attribute
order order testimonials
category Define the category from which testimonials will be displayed
ids Display testimonials with certain IDs (e.g ids=”1721,1723″)
show_avatar Show/hide author avatar
size Photo/avatar width (in px)
content_length Content length (in words)
show_email Show/hide author email
show_position Show/hide testimonial author position
show_company Show/hide company name
template Template with macros which sets testimonial display structure
custom_class Custom CSS-class
The following attributes are applied for slider (type=”slider”) only:
autoplay Time between scrolled slides (ms)
effect “slide” or “coverflow”
loop Enable/disable slider “loop”
pagination Show/hide pagination
navigation Show/hide prev/next buttons
slides_per_view Number of slides per view
space_between Ppadding between slides (px)
To use testimonials slider use Swiper script
Default script values can be changed with the help of tm_testimonials_slider_data_atts filter.
/templates/ — subdirectory with templates for pages (single, archive)
/templates/shortcodes/testimonials/ — subdirectory with *.tmpl files
If you need to change the template content, you need to rewrite it in the theme keeping the folder structure. For instance: