Bible Verse of the Day free WordPress plugin
Bible Verse of the Day free WordPress plugin
This plugins shows a daily Bible verse or a random Bible verse from The plugin also supports Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Slovak, Finnish, Chinese (traditional) and Arabic Bible verses. The verses are from the NIV, KJV, ESV, NKJV, NBV, BB, BGT, NBG, NVI, RVR60, RVR95, ARC, CEI, SG21, LUT, NEU, ELB, KAT, KR92, CUV, AVD and KEH translation.
The plugin can be used as a widget, so it’s easy to install. After installing the plugin you will have two widgets: ‘Bible verse of the day’ and ‘Random Bible verse’. You can also use tags: [bibleverseoftheday_niv] and [randombibleverse_niv], replace ‘niv’ with another translation if necessary, see list below.
If the connection to for some reason fails, it will show the previous verse. If there is no previous verse, the plugin will show John 3:16.
New Internation Version (NIV)
King James Version (KJV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
New King James Version (NKJV)
Spanish (Español)
Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR60)
Reina-Valera 1995 (RVR95)
Widget: ‘Versículo del día’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Versículo de la Biblia al azar’ (Random Bible verse).
Portuguese (Português)
Almeida Revista e Corrigida (ARC)
Widget: ‘Versículo do dia’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Versículo da Bíblia aleatória’ (Random Bible verse).
German (Deutsch)
Luther 2017 (LUT)
Elberfelder Bibel (ELB)
Neue evangelistische Übersetzung (NEU)
Widget: ‘Bibelvers des Tages’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Zufalls Bibelvers’ (Random Bible verse).
Italian (Italiano)
Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI)
Widget: ‘Versetto della Bibbia del giorno’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Versetto casuale della Bibbia’ (Random Bible verse).
French (Français)
Segond 21 (SG21)
Widget: ‘Verset Biblique du Jour’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Verset de la Bible Aléatoire’ (Random Bible verse).
Nederlands (Dutch)
Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (NBV)
Bijbel in Gewone Taal (BGT)
Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap (NBG)
BasisBijbel (BB)
Widget: ‘Bijbeltekst van de Dag’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Willekeurige Bijbeltekst’ (Random Bible verse).
Slovak (Slovenský)
Katolícky preklad (KAT)
Widget: ‘Biblický verš dňa’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Náhodný Biblický verš’ (Random Bible verse).
Finnish (Suomi)
Raamattu 1992 (KR92)
Widget: ‘Päivän Raamatun jae’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘Satunnainen Raamatun jae’ (Random Bible verse).
Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)
Chinese Union Version (CUV)
Widget: ‘每日聖經金句’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘隨機聖經金句’ (Random Bible verse).
Arabic (عربى)
الكتاب المقدس (AVD)
ترجمة كتاب الحياة (KEH)
Widget: ‘آية الكتاب المقدس اليومية’ (Bible verse of the day) and ‘ايات مختارة’ (Random Bible verse).