Easy Social Media Widget free WordPress plugin
Easy Social Media Widget free WordPress plugin
The Social Media Icons widget takes a simple, extendable approach to displaying links to your social media profiles in WordPress.
The purpose of this plugin was to strip away the complexities I found most other plugins to have and simply display a set of basic social icons in an list.
There’s no frills and no fanciness, making it easy to style to your website’s look.
Its Seo friendly and doesnot requires any other optimization
**It consists of over 20 of the most polular social media icons
*Facebook *Twitter *YouTube *Instagram *LinkedIn *Google Plus *Flickr *Vimeo *Wordpress *Whatsapp *Google *Behance *Dribbble *Github *Apple *Pinterest *Flickr *Slack *Skype *Snapchat *Spotify *Soundcloud *Tumblr *Vine *Windows