Cresta Social Share Counter free WordPress plugin
Cresta Social Share Counter free WordPress plugin
Plugin Homepage & Demo
Cresta Social Share Counter is a free WordPress Plugin that allows your users to share posts and pages easily using the social buttons of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin and Pinterest.
You can also choose to show the social counter for each social media and the total shares.
You can select the following Social Network
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Google Plus
4. Linkedin
5. Pinterest
Some features
Show Social Counter
Choose up to 9 buttons styles
Fade animation
Show the floating social buttons
Show the social buttons before/after the post or page content
Use the shortcode [cresta-social-share] wherever you want to display the social buttons
PRO version features, Buffer, Reddit, VK,, Xing, Tumblr, Telegram and WhatsApp share buttons
Change buttons colors
Choose up to 17 buttons styles
Up to 30 effects animation
10 hover button animations
Tooltips on the social buttons
and much more…