Advanced Social Pixel free WordPress plugin


Advanced Social Pixel free WordPress plugin

Leverage the Facebook Pixel to its full potential! Advanced Social Pixel is a plugin that allows you to leverage a set of advanced facebook pixel features that 98% of advertisers don’t even know about. The Facebook Pixel is not a simple tracking code to place on your website anymore. Today, the Facebook pixel offers a variety of features that should be technically implemented on your site to get the most out of your ads. Focus on a better ROAS The goal of Advanced Social Pixel plugin is to give to all advertisers a boost when it comes to leverage Customer Audiences and Retargeting campaigns on Facebook by applying the latest pixel technologies and making them compatible with your WordPress and WooCommerce website. Why you should use Advanced Social Pixel plugin? (Here the list of our marketing features) 1) A super easy setup, 60 seconds and you’re done! 2) Don’t waste impressions, exclude logged users or team members 3) Increase matching and dimension of your audiences (by leveraging profile data other than cookie based tracking!) 4) Increase the quality of your Audiences by firing the pixel by delay (and tracking more qualified traffic) 5) Increase the quality of your Audiences by firing the pixel by scroll page (and tracking more qualified traffic)


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Advanced Social Pixel free WordPress plugin