Quote Rotator free WordPress plugin
Quote Rotator free WordPress plugin
Quote Rotator gives you the ability to put rotating quotes on your sidebar using a widget or in a post/page using a shortcode.
To add your quote, go to Posts->Quotes
To set the options for the, got to Options->Quote Rotator
There are options in the widget to customize your sidebar which are the same as the shortcode options
There is also a shortcode for using the rotator within a page.
[quote_rotator title=”Quote Rotator” number=”5″ howlong=”3000″ fadetime=”700″ random=”1″ height=”200″]
‘title’ is the title to show above the quotes section
‘number’ is the number of quotes to show
‘howlong’ is the number of milliseconds to display each quote
‘fadetime’ is how long the transistion takes in milliseconds
‘random’ is whether quotes are random. 1 is yes and 0 is no
‘height’ is how tall the quote section is