Find Me On free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized

Find Me On free WordPress plugin

The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons for all of your social network profiles. Includes 73 Social Network options, 16px or 32px icon size, and three icon styles, including sexy-style. NEW Supported Networks: * Apple NEW! * BrightKite NEW! * Facebook Fan Pages NEW! * Diigo NEW! * Friendster NEW! * Google Talk NEW! * Google Wave NEW! * NEW! * Hi5 NEW! * Imeem NEW! * iLike NEW! * Jaiku NEW! * Koornk NEW! * LiveJournal NEW! * MyYearbook NEW! * Multiply NEW! * Photobucket NEW! * Plaxo Pulse NEW! * Posterous NEW! * NEW! * Radar NEW! * Seesmic NEW! * Sixent NEW! * Stumble Upon NEW! * Technorati NEW! * Vimeo NEW! * Typepad NEW! * Utterli NEW! * WordPress NEW! * Xing NEW! * Yahoo Meme NEW! * Yahoo Profile NEW! * Yammer NEW! Supported Networks: * AIM * Amazon Wishlist * Bebo * Bitbucket * Blogger * BlogMarks * Dapx * Delicious * Digg * Disqus * Ebay * Facebook * Flickr * FriendFeed * Github * GoodReads * Google Profile * Google Reader * Hellotxt * * Jeqq * * LinkedIn * MySpace * Ning NEW! * Orkut * Picasa Web Album * Plurk * Qype * RedGage * RSS NEW! * Shoutem * StreetMavens * Tagged * Tumblr * Twitter * Vox * Xanga * Yelp * YouTube


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Find Me On free WordPress plugin