Easy Cookies Policy free WordPress plugin
Easy Cookies Policy free WordPress plugin
Easy Cookies Policy allows you to easily inform users that your site uses cookies in compliance with European Cookie law.
No coding is required in order to use this plugin, simply install and activate it. The plugin will enable a notice to the user only once, the very first time that he visits your website.
Generate a warning notice bar on the web, fully customizable style through the settings panel.
Includes a sample cookie law text, 100% valid, which you can use as a template, or you can introduce your own cookie compliance text.
Allows you to generate a cookie policy page just by clicking a button.
Available languages: English, Spanish
Customizable cookie law message
Sample Cookie Law text included
Provides the option to create a page with all the european cookie law information.
Define cookie expiration day
Select the position of the cookie bar
Enables you to choose your preferred color theme
Modify the text and bar background transparency
Set display mode of the warning box
Responsive plugin
Translation support
The Cookie Law is a piece of privacy legislation that requires websites to get consent from visitors in order to store or retrieve any information from a computer, smartphone or tablet.
Easy Cookies Policy is the simplest way to comply with legislation regarding the usage of website cookies. It follows the notion of ‘implied consent’.
The plugin does not disable cookies on your site nor does it prevent the user from continuing to browse the site. If a user keeps surfing on your site by clicking on the “accept button” or by visiting another page on you site, the user is accepting the cookie policy.