Simple Location free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: geo geolocation location maps timezones

Simple Location free WordPress plugin

Supports adding geo coordinates or textual description to a post, comment, user, or attachment. Supports adding weather data to a post or to a widget based on location. Offers choice of map displays. It supports retrieving location using the HTML5 geolocation API by default. Clicking the location icon or ‘Lookup Location’ will retrieve the location. As it stores the GeoData in a WordPress standard format, Geodata can also be added from other plugins. Automatically saves location data from image metadata when uploaded as well. Offers the opportunity to change the displayed timezone on a per-post basis for those posts from far off locations and set this based on the coordinates of the location. While Gutenberg compatible, this is not built for Gutenberg. If your site is set to a Manual UTC Offset as opposed to a named timezone, the timezone override feature will not work properly if you are running PHP5.4 or less Privacy and Data Notice Simple Location stores location and weather data inside posts, attachments, comments, and term meta…optionally other post types. This data respects a public, private or protected setting. Attachment data is automatically extracted from images if location is present, which could be extracted by any third-party downloading the picture unless removed. For all other data, it is provided by the user, who decides its ultimate use. Location data is made available through a geolocation provider…the default is currently HTML5 browser geolocation, for which the user must give consent to share). Other information is secured through use of third-party APIs to identify a location, calculate elevation, display maps, and weather conditions. Zones Zones allow for geofencing. You can set coordinates and a radius around them. If you set location to a place within a zone, the default behavior is to replace the location with a preset Name and hide the coordinates. This allows you to protect private locations such as your home, or your place of business. For Micropub, it will set the location as protected if the location is in the zone and the location-visibility property is not set. For the post editor in WordPress, looking up the location of an item inside the zone will result in the visibility being set to protected and the name being set to the zone name. This can be overridden. Venues Venues are locations stored as a custom taxonomy in WordPress using the Term Metadata functionality added in Version 4.4 of WordPress. Venues as taxonomies have the advantage of supporting an archive page of all posts from that location and giving the location a permalink on your site. To add anything more than a basic location you will have to create a venue. This functionality is still pending. WordPress GeoData WordPress Geodata is an existing standardized way to store geodata about a post, user, comment, or term. It consists of four fields: latitude, longitude, public, and address. This matches up with the HTML5 Geolocation fields. The W3C Geolocation Specification also provides for properties of altitude, accuracy, altitudeAccuracy, speed, and heading, which may be stored. Map Zoom is also stored as a geodata property. Timezone is also stored as a property and is derived from the location by default or set manually. Weather Weather consists of at minimum the current conditions and temperature but includes future parameters for use such as pressure, wind speed, wind direction degree, etc. Weather widgets are available that can be set to a specific location, a user, station ID, or airport code. Station ID is available from supported providers for weather stations, for example from a Personal Weather Station(PWS). Providers The plugin is designed to be extensible and anyone could write a plugin that would add additional providers. Map Providers are services that offer an API to retrieve maps, which are displayed on posts with a location. Providers include Wikimedia, MapBox, Google, Mapquest’s Open Static Map, HERE, LocationIQ, Geoapify, Yandex and Bing. Geocoding Providers take geo coordinates and look up the actual location/address for textual display, as well as derive the elevation is possible. Geocoding Providers include Nominatim, HERE, the Mapquest hosted version of Nominatim, Google, Bing, LocationIQ, OpenRoute and Geonames. Location Providers attempt to determine your location to add it to a post. Providers include HTML5 Browser Geolocation, a Provider that takes the location setting out of the author profile, a provider that returns the exact location of a three letter airport code, and Compass, a self-hosted option for storing your location. Weather Providers retrieve weather data about your location and include OpenWeatherMap, Dark Sky, Weatherstack, WeatherBit, HERE and the US National Weather Service. HERE, Dark Sky, WeatherBit, and Weatherstack do not support stations. There is also an option for custom station URLs that must return the properties as they are stored in WordPress. ** The National Weather Service(US) uses their station lookup API to find the closest weather station, and uses weather from there. Therefore, if this returns no options, if you are outside the US, it will return no weather. ** The Met Office(UK) uses the distance from your current location to the nearest UK weather station and finds the closest one. However, if the nearest station is more than 100km away, it will return nothing.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Simple Location free WordPress plugin