Tennis Court Bookings free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: booking Courts reservation tennis

Tennis Court Bookings free WordPress plugin

Tennis Court Bookings come in 4 modules ranging from our free “lite” version to a comprehensive tennis court booking, coaching and payment system. This is how it works: You simply set some variables such as: * What days of the week the courts are open. * What special days the courts are closed. * How far in advance your visitors can book a court. * Your opening hours. * Name your booking system. Visitors then just click on the date they want to book a court, pick the court they want to book and the start and finish time. This information is then locked in and the visitor received an email confirmation they can bring with them to the courts as evidence that they booked a specific court. Features and Benefits Enable/disable to email a standard message to your visitor confirming the booking. This can be printed and taken to the courts as evidence of the booking. Enable/disable to email a standard booking alert to the administrator. Create and name up to 4 courts. Set your own booking system name “Your Club Court Booking System”. Set any opening and closing times for your courts. Set the days your courts are available for bookings. Enter any closed dates where you do not want to take any bookings. Set the number of minutes before the booking are not accept. Ie, 120 minutes before your closing time. Set the earliest booking date (the default is “today”). Set the maximum days into the future where your visitors can book a court. View and delete court bookings. Configurations What days of the week the courts are open. What special days the courts are closed. How far in advance your visitors can book a court. Your opening hours. Name your booking system


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Tennis Court Bookings free WordPress plugin