Collapsing Objects free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: page post

Collapsing Objects free WordPress plugin

Collapsing objects wraps anything enclosed in expand tags into a collapsible div. This is a work in progress and may be a little bit messy due to me not having done much with PHP in a while and being new to wordpress. Please note that this requires javascript, if you expect visitors with javascript disabled please do NOT use this plugin! I made a couple of mistakes before when submitting such as leaving a wrong hardcoded path in the script and messing up the versioning due to not knowing how WordPress plugin indexing worked. This is now fixed and I have added a working example on my blog. Sorry for any inconvenience, please inform me if there are still issues Usage Wrap your text/content in [expand] tags with a title eg: [expand title=hello]This is my expanding content[/expand] You MUST specify a title! Example Changes 22nd May 2008: Fixed expanding or collapsing pushing back to the top of page 21st May 2008: Fixed problems with readme


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Collapsing Objects free WordPress plugin