jav's – WooCommerce and Trello integration WooTrello free WordPress plugin
jav's – WooCommerce and Trello integration WooTrello free WordPress plugin
WooTrello is a Woocommerce and Trello Integration. Depending On Your Settings, It will Create a Trello Card with order information, if there is a New Order or an Order Status Changed.
WooTrello uses Trello API with your Trello API key. When there is a New Order or an Order Status Change WordPress Hook initiate, By using those Hook It gets the Order Information and sends it to the Trello.
Standard Features
Easy-to-use, no unnecessary Setup Wizard for perfect configuration.
No hidden menu or option, everything is crystal clear.
Show trello Boards and Lists.
one click authentication.
Create Trello Card after every new Order or create Trello card after certain Order status Change.