WP Popup Builder Plugin by Profitquery free WordPress plugin
WP Popup Builder Plugin by Profitquery free WordPress plugin
Profitquery it is a cheaper tools collection to help to each website reach their goals like getting more sore, get more followers, get more sales, get more YouTube views, get more email subscribers, to get more visitors feedbacks, to present visitors special offers, to promote content with social media, to integrate and control external widgets like Facebook messenger, Vimeo video, soundcloudaudio, social networking Follow Us widgets etc.
Why Profitquery Plugin?
PQ Plugin it is the cheapest tools collection that really works
How does it works?
Profitquery is a SaaS (software as a service) which enables the embedding of 24 growth tools on your website. All tools can be customized for your admin area. In the free version, all tools have a ‘powered by’ link, but you can disable it using the upgraded Whitelabel options. Profitquery files are served by the very fast Akamai CDN (Content Delivery Network). To start using Profitquery tools:
Activate and accept Profitquery terms of service
Get the Profitquery Api Key from profitquery website.
Click Sign In button
Fill out the form
Generate the api key
Profit with the Profitquery tools.
Sharing Sidebar
Left or right side floating custom buttons to help each website visitor to share your content to the most popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Linkedin etc. to print page and send a link to their friends by email.
This tool is more effective up to 217% than native share buttons and inline share buttons because always on the screen.
Pixel perfect svg icons look amazing on every device and screen resolutions. For mobile devices you could select one of 3 design types
Need to know how many time you page shared with the social network? Easy. Just enable share counters options and you will see Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn counters.
11 Design tips, 4 form types (Square, circle, rounded and TV type), 5 icons size help to customize sharing sidebar for any WordPress themes.
Also, you could enable images gallery mode for Pinterest and Tumblr share buttons, which would open a popup with all of images from page to share them to Pinterest and Tumblr. There is an amazing feature that could help your customers to share media content that they like in a few clicks.
Sharing Sidebar Features
11 design types
4 icons form types (Square, circle, rounded and TV type)
5 icon size
Svg pixel perfect icons for any device resolutions
11 types between icon space
12 on hover icon animation
9 show up animation
5 step by step rendering, animation
6 tool positions
Facebook share counters, interest share counters, Linkedin share counters
gallery mode for interest and Tumblr animations
3 design mode for mobile devices
over than 20 tools settings
over 100 share providers (even WhatsApp share buttons)
display rules
show after delay or so after the scroll
custom popup to send a link by email to friends
custom thank popup
On Hover Image Sharing
Do you have many images on your website? Do you want to get more new visitors from social networking? This tool for you.
Perhaps it is best free image share tool for WordPress.
Custom image share buttons show up when visitors hover mouse icon on exact image in a desktop mode and tap on the photo in mobile mode. This is simply a way to get more website traffic from most popular social networks. You could share an exact image of the Facebook using an own Facebook app or share by profitquery gateway share exact image to the twitter, interest, Tumblr send image to a friend by email or what App messenger.
11 design types, 4 form type, 2 toolbar positions, 6 shades of toolbar and 5 icon sizes help to you to customize social network icons for any WordPress themes.
2 positions
11 design types
4 icons form types (Square, circle, rounded and TV type)
5 icons size
Svg pixel perfect icons for any device resolutions
11 types between icon space
6 types of toolbox shadows
12 hover icon animation
show / do not show the exact pages
work on images from exact path (for example only, with images from… /products-gallery/ path)
work with custom image extensions (show toolbox by hover only on .bmp and.JPG images for ex.)
min image width setting (work with an image which have width other than 150px for ex.)
min image height setting (work with an image which have height other than 250px for ex.)
custom popup to send a link by email to friends
custom thank popup
Custom Share Buttons
This group of tools needs for websites which want to get more new visitors from most popular social network media.
The share button tools group consist of
center sharing buttons popup, which often use by exit event or show up after some delay
corner floating popup with share buttons which often use of scrolling event. This tool is very effective for multi-screen page, for example promo landing page or big article
top level or bottom level bar with custom share buttons which could be used after some delay or by scrolling event. Very powerful for pages which already have some special widgets on their corners. Like social network widgets, navigation block etc.
Sales Promotional tools
Free tools help to you to promote a special offer, new blog post, or special information to your visitors, to drive your sales.
Sales Promotional tools group consist of
center promo popup, which you could by exit intent, after some delay or by scrolling event. A different event for different purpose, the most frequent use it to exit event to promote special offers like Get a 50 % discount right now
corner is floating popup which could be used with scrolling event or after some delay. Most powerful tool for multi-screen pages, visitors start to reading your page, scrolling, and then will see a popup with special offers.
top level or bottom level promotional bar which could be show after some delay or by scrolling event. Very powerful for pages which already have some special widgets on their corners. Like social network widgets, navigation block etc.
Email Subscribe Tools
Free email subscription tools to get more subscribers, visitors’ contact information to giant website foals by sending a special email to each customer.
center promo popup, which could be used by exit intent, after some delay or by scrolling event. A different event for different purpose, the most frequent use it to exit event, there is last chance to get some information about new visitors
corner floating popup which could be used with scrolling event or after some delay. Most powerful tool for multi-screen pages, visitors start to reading your page, scrolling, and then will see popup with call to action text for example Sign in to get best blog post.
top level or bottom level promotional bar which could be show after some delay or by scrolling event. Very powerful for pages which already have some special widgets on their corners. Like social network widgets, navigation block etc.
Custom Contact Form tools
The next level of free contact form tools to get more feedbacks, contact information from visitors. Different contact form tool for different themes and website tasks. The plugin includes Center popup, floating corner popup and top level or bottom level bar with custom follow buttons
Custom Call Me tools
Free tools to gain calls from website to boost sales to turn one time visitors to loyal customers.
The plugin includes floating corner popup and Call Me bookmark which by click open a popup
YouTube Video tools
YouTube video management tools to show a video presentation on the right page at the right time to rich website goals.
center YouTube video which could show up by exit intent, after some delay or by scrolling event, corner floating popup
corner is floating popup which could show up by scrolling event or some delay
Any Iframe Widgets Tools
This tool help to websites to show social network widgets at the right time in the right pages.
The plugin includes corner floating iframe widgets popup and center popup.
use center popup with exit intent, for example follow Facebook group widgets, or with Vimeo video presentation or with Soundforge track. Also, you could setup center popup to show up after a delay or by scrolling
use floating corner popup by scrolling intent to show up twitter news feed or Facebook messenger
Plugin Translators
Tammy Kim Shin (Korean, ko_KR)
Jocelyne Béland (French, fr_FR)
Readme Translators
You can translate plugin readme file on translate.wordpress.org.