Custom Login Form free WordPress plugin
Custom Login Form free WordPress plugin
Login Form with security, redirection and design/style features for Website. Customize your admin login page. Custom login for WordPress websites.
Custom Login Form plugin is brandnew, well tested,
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The Login Form plugin general features:
FULLY FREE and customizable login form plugin
login form plugin don’t sent users data to third parties
place login form on any website page within short code (shortcode usage)
high secure login form
redirects after login
“no password” login (possible to create login without password)
customizable login form design
login form logo customizing
no our copyrights
no third party links
Security of Custom Login Form
protection through typed password control
stealth login supported
stopping automated password cracking/hacking
login redirects for any user role
you can manually deactivate standard WordPress login to use this custom login form only
Custom Login form Design / Custom login Styler
customize login form style
The login form plugin can be used to customize WordPress admin login or client login for WordPress websites.
How to use Login Form?
After successfully Custom Login Form plugin activation you can for example:
configure design of your new login form;
past the login form plugin shortcode on any page or directly in post text in your WordPress;
test your created login form for any reason;
if all works fine, you can deactivate standard WordPress login form;
Customize any another setting of the login form plugin, such as redirections, captcha code, form design, etc.
If you forgotten and need it:
your standard WordPress login is “your_domain/wp-admin/” or “your_domain/wp-login.php”.
For additional information about sending or receiving of data, please, read the questions and answers on FAQ page.
If you need help with the login form or you want to report a bug please refer to our support on
What is Authorization?
We all have met this procedure in our Internet life on the pages of service e-mails, social networks, or at the message boards. To authorize means that you simply need to enter a correct login and password, following which all site possibilities will be reachable for you, such as access to its content, message sending and comment posting on discussion forums or web-blogs. Thus, authorization is a procedure of resource authentication. As a rule, passing of this procedure is not difficult, though there are many exceptions, when only a specific circle of users can log in to the website.
Steps of Authorization Process
While registration, a user fills in his login form (a real name or a made up nickname), password and e-mail address. Password can be generated automatically and may be sent to an e-mail. These three elements are obligatory and used on every website. Besides using them a resource manager has a right to make a user to write his additional personal info (like gender, age, real name, phone number and so forth). That can be necessary due to different reasons.
Authorization identifies a person through [login form]( and allows web admin to recognize a conversation partner or a client.
Pros to use Login Form
As you may see, login form plugin enables user identification on a site and at the same time limits access permission to its selected sections and options for unauthorized users. So, from the standpoints of both a site holder and web surfer you can have some serious reservations: Is there a necessity to restrict access by dint of authorization? Would it be better to open up the possibilities to each and every of users according to the fact that they do not appreciate making extra procedures even if they take only few minutes? Plus free access is really more favorable for users, and their comfort is the foundation of long-term relationships.
Of course, it would be great to refuse from employing of such measures. But still, authorization is the thing that can partially protect the site owner and visitors from spam (it is a mail out of commercial or any other type of advertisement to people, who don’t want to receive it). Spam is usually sent by special programs – spam bots, which automatically post comments with adverts and links on any sources, where it’s possible to do. You can shield your resource through different methods and logging in is the most practical of them.
The second equally important aim of authorization is gathering of information about a person, his identification. Certainly, this data is presented voluntarily by people and it is used purely for purposes of recognition by other visitants. If this is about e-commerce site then authorization improves greatly site usability, because a visitor gets his or her personal page with his history of orders, in his shopping cart there is previously saved info about wares he picked earlier, and there is no need to fill the checkout form again.
Sure thing, authorization has many other functions and tasks, but these two are of the utter importance.
Pros from Login Form to a Site Holder
After such close details search let’s make a brief list of advantages that you and your website visitor can get by registration. So, being a concerned site holder you can get:
1. Spam filtration (the sufficient part of spam bots is eliminated);
2. Possibility to identify visitors, which in its turn provide:
More demographic, geographic information about attendants that gives an opportunity to make better settings in the system of contextual advertising and to pick the optimal key words in terms of site promotion;
Capacity to provide more services (as the example such further functions: inter-office mail, saving of history of orders and other), which allow to improve usability by magnetizing of more regular customers;
Control of right to use the content or its part (for non-commercial websites that is of a low value, while for the opposite type of resources it is vital).
And now let’s enumerate maybe not obvious but still important advantages of logging for Internet users:
1. The same spam protection;
2. Possibility to meet familiar interlocutor again. To identify each other users do not need to introduce themselves each time, they just need to authorize;
3. Bonus features on the website.
‘Custom Login Form’ for WordPress Websites
That is the name of extremely helpful and practical plugin for WordPress sites (we refer to them as WordPress is the most popular content management system). By downloading and installing it on your website you’ll get not only a login form but also a customizable login forms that can differ for site manager, a visitor, an author and others. Change the style of login and make it more attractive. What is more, you can be safe with your data as far as using of this plugin is highly secure. If that is not enough for you, there is one more option – you can redirect people after login! Each category of users can be directed by you with different links!
It’s usage is also simple. After the successful installation you just create your design of a login form, then place its shortcode to any page you want. If you have checked its work and everything functions fine, you can delete the standard WordPress login form. That is all!
Enjoy the features of a [customizable login form](