WordPress automation email marketing plugin for Klick-Tipp – WP2LEADS – How to turn any plugins into WordPress email plugins free WordPress plugin
WordPress automation email marketing plugin for Klick-Tipp – WP2LEADS – How to turn any plugins into WordPress email plugins free WordPress plugin
Your benefit of this plugin: It offers you connection templates so that you can connect e.g. WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, … with a few clicks with Klick-Tipp.
If a connection template is not available, you can connect nearly all plugins* with KlickTipp or use our Done4u service, so we do it for you.
Deine Vorteile von WP2LEADS
Stand 2020.06.01 für WP2LEADS Version 2.2.x
Short WP2LEADS benefits intro WP2LEADS Version 2.1.x
Story: Problem and Solution
2014 I started with the former plugin called WOO-EMI connecting WooCommerce with Klick-Tipp. It was hard coded and could only be used as developed. It only transferred product and category Tags (i.e. post-its used to start marketing campagnes).
The Problem, on nearly every customer feature request was that we needed to develop and hard code new features like sending data on an different order status than only ”wc-completed”.
Or customers did say: ”We need more data transferred like the payment gateway, the product variation, order amount, order date, …
So in the beginning of 2018 the idea was born to create a flexible software that can be used for nearly all plugins that write clearly in the WP database like WooCommerce, EasyAppointments, Contact Forms Entries, Better reviews for WooCommerce, WordPress Users, Business Directory, … do.
WP2LEADS was born and allows you to flexible transfer your valuable user data into Klick-Tipp fields and tags.
These tags and field values like appointment date, kind of service/product can help you to start your targeted email marketing automation.
Your main benefits
Transfer current data, start with a lot of data
Transfer unlimited data
Transfer any data available
Flexible in sending data to Klick-Tipp to Tags and fields
Tags used for data often used like ”CF7 Form send”, Order status ”wc-completed”
(Was sagst du hier? Auf Deutsch direkt übersetzt: Tags, die für Daten genutzt werden, werden häufig genutzt wie ”CF Form Send”….)
Fields are used data if is individually for the user like ”personal message”, date like ”birthday” or Appointment or the html content containing the individual reviews request mail template.
(Was sagst du hier? Auf Deutsch direkt übersetzt: Felder sind benutzte Daten, wenn es ist individuell für den Nutzer wie eine ”persönliche Nachricht”, Daten wie ”Geburtstag” oder ”Termin oder der HtML Inhalt, der individuelle EMail-Bewertungsanfragen Vorlagen enthält”)
Welcome and Tutorial page inside the plugin
Your benefit all information in one place
Added Catalog tab
Catalog items contain
example forms
WOW Styler
Required Plugins
A set up connection
Link to settings wizard with Klick-Tipp Campaigns integrated
Your benefits: Easy setup of the form, connection and marketing campagne
It is also possible to upload catalog item and share it.
Your benefits: You get a lot of thanks form your customers and they will want you to alter your example according to their needs.
Integrated Plugins:
The WOW Styler https://wordpress.org/plugins/cf7-styler/ in the catalog when downloading a form catalog item
Your benefits: Open your form on your website, click ”style” and start right away to style your form
The WooCommerce Reviews Plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/more-better-reviews-for-woocommerce/
Your benefits: Aside from an easy setup, you achieve google rating stars. Further, reviews of you products increase the trust of your costumers in your products and your company
”Wp -> KT” | ”Map to API” tab wizard
Step by Step guide through the settings
Your benefits: Easily set up your connection
Added full Contact Form 7 support
When you save the form, WP2LEADS directly asks you to connect the form to Klick-Tipp with a step by step wizard
Your benefits: Easily connect CF7 with Klick-Tipp
When updating the form, WP2LEADS updates the connection with Klick-Tipp with a short step by step wizard
Your benefits: Easy update of your connection
The plugin redirects visitor depending on the links from the Klick-Tipp opt-in process.
You choose the opt-in process in the ”Wp -> KT” | ”Map to API” tab in the opt-in section.
You check confirmation and ”thank you”-links here, too.
You can setup ”if value is xy”. Use the ”option process” conditions
Your benefits: It is very easy and you can check and chose where the costumer is redirected to after he/she submitted a CF7 form
Developed the WOW Styler https://wordpress.org/plugins/cf7-styler/
Your benefits: Easy styling of all your forms
Please download WP2LEADS now by going into your WP Admin, ”Plugins”, ”Install” and search for ”WP2LERADS” click ”download” and ”activate”.
See you in the tutorial videos inside the plugin.
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