WP Rocket ASYNC CSS free WordPress plugin
WP Rocket ASYNC CSS free WordPress plugin
This plugin will combine all inline and external CSS in the order found on the page and save it to WP-Rocket’s cache folder as a new file. Files with media attributes are wrapped in @media selectors during processing. Async is powered by https://github.com/filamentgroup/loadCSS.
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Filters rocket_async_css_process_style and rocket_async_css_process_file can be used to selectively exclude any inline CSS or external CSS from minify and async loading.
Examples are:
function exclude_css($skip, $css){ if ( false !== strpos( $css, ‘something’ ) ) { return false; } return $skip; } add_filter(‘rocket_async_css_process_style’,’exclude_css’, 10, 2);
function exclude_file($skip, $url){ if ( ‘some url’ == $url ) { return false; } return $skip; } add_filter(‘rocket_async_css_process_style’,’exclude_file’, 10, 2);