WoW Armory Character free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized

WoW Armory Character free WordPress plugin

This plugin displays World of Warcraft character profiles pulled from data made available by the WoW community API. It allows you to view a basic profile that shows your character information and picture. It can be easily configured to show the gear that you are wearing (with optional links to wowhead), your talents, professions, activity feed and recent achievements. To see a customised example of the plugin in action check it out on my wordpress blog. For an example of the plugin configured to show all the available information check out the screenshots tab. Known Issues When showing characters with Chinese or Korean locales the wowhead tooltips will show in english. I’m actively seeking a solution. The widget configuration will keep reseting your language choice to English. When making changes be sure to first re-choose your region and then choose your language if you do not wish english to be selected. Multiple Armory widgets on one page will cause issue with the administration pages javascript. For the time being I recommend using shortcodes if you need more then one character displayed on a page. Translation The plugin is fully setup to use the excellent internationalisation features of wordpress. However, since I sadly do not speak any of the languages I’d like to support (those used by World of Warcraft itself) I am not able to provide the translations I need. If you are interested in providing any translations for this project please contact me. With Thanks Many thanks to seifertim and his effort WoW Armory for providing the inspiration (and base upon which to work). Development Version The development version, as well as all the tagged releases of this project, are hosted on and merely pushed to the WordPress plugin repository for distribution purposes. Should you need to use the development version (perhaps to fix a bug, or test a feature) please download it from the github website. I also maintain a more comprehensive issue/bug list at github so if you have anything to report it would be very helpful if you could post the problem there.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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WoW Armory Character free WordPress plugin