gLastFM free WordPress plugin
gLastFM free WordPress plugin
Share your recent, loved or top tracks scrobbled on
It is also possible to display the top albums, top artists, weekly track chart, weekly album chart and weekly artist chart.
The optional template system will let you present your data as you want. If you do not want to use a custom template, a default presentation with covers will be shown.
gLastFM is based on Lastfm-covers, but it has evolved and almost doesn’t share any common code now.
Template system so you can display what you want, as you want.
Default presentation with different cover sizes (small, medium, large and extra-large) if you do not use the template system.
Easily configurable and customizable
Use cached data if the data from is unavailable or too much recent
Does not use Javascript: everyone can see the widget (but you are free to add some JavaScript to make things looking more pretty)
Display the items as a list for easy styling
Clicking a cover or title can redirect you to the related page
Improved theme with new pictures (see the ‘license.txt’ file in the theme directory)
Clicking on the title of the widget will take you to the user’s page
Lot of code cleaning
Corrected some translations
Better error handling (no longer have PHP errors in case of failure)
Use of unique names for functions and global variables to avoid conflicts
Respect WordPress coding standards better