Integration Rede for WooCommerce free WordPress plugin
Integration Rede for WooCommerce free WordPress plugin
Use Rede API integration for WooCommerce in your WooCommerce store and allow your customers to pay by credit card.
A Rede is part of the Itaú Unibanco group and is a acquiring company, being responsible for the capture, transmission and financial settlement of Visa, Mastercard, Elo, American Express, Hipercard, Hyper, Diners Club International, Cabal credit card transactions. Discover, China Union Pay, Aura, Sorocred, Coopercred, Sicredi, More !, Calcard, Banescard, Avista! in the Brazilian territory.
Example Filter Usage
function rede_card_installments_filter($installments) { $installments[‘min_value’] = 40; $installments[‘max_parcels’] = 3; return $installments; } add_filter(‘integration_rede_installments’, ‘rede_card_installments_filter’);