Geneanet Embedded Individual free WordPress plugin
Geneanet Embedded Individual free WordPress plugin
The Geneanet Embedded Individual displays a box with main information about an individual from a family tree in your posts.
An embedded profile contains main information about an individual from a Geneanet family tree:
* picture (if available),
* last name and first name,
* Sosa/Ahnentafel number,
* date and place of birth,
* date and place of death,
* spouses and number of children,
* a link to the family tree or to the sheet of the individual on Geneanet.
There are two ways to use this plugin:
* By using the shortcode geneanet-embed-individual with the parameters url, link_type (fiche or tree) and align (left, center or right).
* By installing the plugin Shortcake which adds an user-friendly interface for adding a sheet to your post (click on Add Post Element).
Paste the URL of the profile page of an individual from a Geneanet family tree (it can be yours or any other family tree) and the plugin will take care of everything: if the individual is updated on Geneanet, the embedded profile will automatically be updated!
Select the type of link you want to generate for the embedded profile. If you select fiche, the link will open the profile page of the individual on Geneanet. If you select tree, it will open the Geneanet family tree of the individual.
The visual editor works with this plugin: preview in real time how your post will look like when it will be posted.
Add any number of embedded profiles to your post.
This plugin uses the Geneanet API to retrieve the information about the individual.
When saving the post, the plugin saves some information about the individual: name, first name and gender. This allows to show it in the post before retrieving all data from Geneanet.
This plugin is part of the Labs from Geneanet, the #1 genealogy website in Europe. It’s also based on the following projects: WordPress Plugin Boilerplate and Beautiful Taxonomy Filters.