wp-crossfade free WordPress plugin
wp-crossfade free WordPress plugin
wp-crossfade is a image banner manager with crossfade functionality.
In your template insert:
Or you can add different paramaters:
* group If ” show all group, else code of group (default ”) * crossfade_id the id of the div tag that contains the crossfade element (default ‘wp-crossfade’) * crossfade_class the class of the div tag that contains the crossfade element (default ‘wp-crossfade-class’) * loading_image The pre-loading image that will be displayed (default plugins_url(‘wp-crossfade/images/loading.gif’)) * show_text_overlay Displays the text overlay over the image (default true) * overlay_link_text The text or image inside the link (default More) * sleep The number of seconds to sleep between each transition (default 4) * z_index The CSS z-index of the elements (default 2000) * fade The number of seconds to fade (default 1) * clickable Should the image be clickable, if so it will go to the url provided (default false) * dot_spacing The spacing between the “dots” or image navigation (default 21) * limit Limit rows number (default none – show all rows)
WP-BANNERIZE for the plugin as a starting point
CrossSlide – jQuery plugin for the plugin
Skookum for the support