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Eric R
Plugin profiles

ECT Sitemap free WordPress plugin
Add a sitemap to your WordPress integrated Ecommerce Templates site. You can generate a new page on your site with a bulleted list of all...

Nix Prefix free WordPress plugin
Nix Prefix is a super-simple WordPress plugin to remove or customise the prefix text on your archive pages. Go from: Category: Puppies and Kittens to...

WP Flexslider Shortcodes free WordPress plugin
Das Plugin Wp Flexslider Shortcodes ermöglicht das nutzen des allgemein sehr beliebten und erfolgreichen OpenSource Sliders FlexSlider2 von Woothemes in WordPress Posts, Pages und Sidebars....

wsl-login-extends-naver free WordPress plugin
이 플러그인은 WordPress Social Login 플러그인 에서 naver 로그인과 kakao 로그인을 할수 있는 플러그인입니다. ( 반드시 WordPress Social Login 플러그인을 설치해야 합니다. ) naver 로그인...

Wp List Category Posts With Pagination free WordPress plugin
Wp List Category Posts With Pagination allows you to list posts from a category into a post or page with pagination using the [es-catlist] shortcode....

Minutemailer Subscribe free WordPress plugin
Minutemailer is an online email marketing tool for businesses. Create, schedule and send e-mail messages and newsletters for free. Edit by drag & drop. Choose...

Quran Gateway free WordPress plugin
Quran Gateway plugin allows you to display the Quran or its translation in different languages either verse by verse or whole surah along with audio...

Hangeul Web Fonts free WordPress plugin
Hangeul web fonts management plugin for WordPress. – List of Fonts – ▣ SDMiSaeng Font SDMiSaeng { font-family: SDMiSaeng; font-size: 1.3em; } ▣ ...

AweSplash – Just Splash Page free WordPress plugin
AweSplash is a simple plugin that lets you add a welcome page with background image, slide or video to your existing theme. You can use...

Scroll to top button free WordPress plugin
Scroll to top plugin is an simple and nice plugin with the standard scroll settings. You can use it on your website different sides and...