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  • Eric R

Plugin profiles

Instant Band Site by Nimbit free WordPress plugin

Nimbit is the industry’s premier direct-to-fan platform for today’s music business. With this the free Instant Band Site plug-in, it’s easier than ever for artists...

Guitar Chords and Tabs free WordPress plugin

Guitar Chords and Tabs displays guitar chords and tabs on your WordPress blog, based on simple text notation entered into a WordPress shortcode. French page...

Link Back Badge Widget free WordPress plugin

This plugin makes it easier for your website visitors to link back to your website by displaying a badge and HTML code box as a...

NoSpamNX free WordPress plugin

There have been many new good ideas of fighting automated Spam in WordPress. Most of these Plugins (like the antecessor of NoSpamNX: Yawasp) change the...

Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation free WordPress plugin

Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation adds javascript to allow moving through postings on index and archive pages using the J/K keys to skip to the next or...

Clip Art Illustration Search and Insert free WordPress plugin

Searches for and inserts illustrations to your post. Images are from Installs under your editing area on Page and Post admin area. Simply input...

WP Instagram Feeds free WordPress plugin

This plugin helps to display latest feeds from your Instagram on your site. Features Backend settings to put Instagram User Id and Access Token Grid...

Simpul Youtube by Esotech free WordPress plugin

Enables a widget that will pull a youtube feed via JSON by Youtube Username/UserID or PlaylistID and display text and/or video preview images. Supports images...

Showdown free WordPress plugin

Host Showdown popularity contests on your site and allow your visitors to rate their favorite things! The plugin engages your visitors attention and hooks them...

Love Button free WordPress plugin

Social Sharing FOR EVERYONE: Data privacy specialists love the Love Button, because user data will only be transferd to social networks after double opt-in and...