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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Social Login for WordPress in italian language free WordPress plugin
Nota Abbiamo spostato questo plug-in con langugae italiano per Si prega di utilizzare il plug-in aggiornato in lingua italiana. Note We have moved this...

mooontes Comments Media Upload free WordPress plugin
This plugin allows to attach pictures and multimedia files to comments (the same types allowed in wordpress’ multimedia library). This plugin has been tested with...

Clean Inactive Images free WordPress plugin
Removes unused images (and all of its thumbnails) from uploads folder Checks for images in: Post Content, Image Galleries (only from post_status = publish and...

jLayer Parallax Slider free WordPress plugin
This plugin can create parallax sliders using varity of objects such as images, text titles, background boxes and youtube/vimeo videos. The jquery plugin used by...

Comment Tweets free WordPress plugin
Occasionally, readers will respond to your posts via tweets which is awesome, but when this happens, it’s tough log the conversation between post comments and...

Twitter Profile Widget free WordPress plugin
Adds a sidebar widget to display Twitter profiles. Separated by commas multiple screen names, you can view multiple profiles in this widget.

Simple Modal free WordPress plugin
Sometimes content doesn’t need it’s own separate page but it’s enough that you don’t want to jam it all into one page. Modals are a...

NertWorks Super Mega Popup free WordPress plugin
Super Mega Popup makes it easy to place popups on a particular page, post or site wide. Offers different options for user to select to...

WordPress Posts Timeline free WordPress plugin
The WordPress Posts Timeline Plugin uses only css to create a vertical timeline for a post category or custom taxonomy. The CSS is very flexible...

Widget Live Editor free WordPress plugin
Easy alignment: Re-size widget images, so that you can align widgets. Flexible: Each widget can have an image, heading, text, and/or a link. One widget...