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Eric R
Plugin profiles

NS Author Widget free WordPress plugin
NS Author Widget is a sidebar or footer widget that displays on single posts with Post Author’s name, avatar, description, link to all posts and...

Live Chat with Messenger Customer Chat free WordPress plugin
Support your customers via Facebook Live Chat. Facebook Messenger has over 1 billion active monthly users Permanent chat history available for both store owner and...

Simply Contact free WordPress plugin
A simple contact form powered by Google reCaptcha. The user needs to have a valid Google reCaptcha keys generated for their domain. The form can...

WP Lawyer free WordPress plugin
WP-Lawyer is a custom WordPress plugin for Lawyers and Law Firms which use WordPress. It allows them to easily manage past court cases, along with...

Term/Tag Cloud Search free WordPress plugin
EPS Term/Tag Cloud Search Creates a widget that will present a “Tag Cloud” of terms, and allow you to pick one or more terms to...

HeroWP Pricing Tables free WordPress plugin
Create stunning pricing tables in seconds, with drag and drop interface. 571 Icons Drag and drop (Special thanks to Syamil MJ and it’s Aqua Page...

VSTEMPLATE Creator free WordPress plugin
VSTEPMLATE Creator plugin is developed for creating any php file that you want to make template for your site.Suppose your site is in server and...

RS-Members free WordPress plugin
RS-Members is a very powerful but easy to use content restriction membership plugin.It is able to handle your small business to large membership or product...

INK – Own your content free WordPress plugin
INK is a new way to own your content. It’s a well know fact, the content you produce can be shared all around the web...

Sinosplice Tooltips free WordPress plugin
Plugin Name: Sinosplice Tooltips Plugin URI: Description: Easily add attractive tooltips to show the pinyin of Chinese characters, glosses for Japanese characters, or any...