So nice to see you!

Eric R
Plugin profiles

Flipster free WordPress plugin
Flipster is a CSS3 3D transform-based jQuery plugin built to replicate the familiar ‘cover flow’ effect, but also supports a variety of styles.

WordPress Google Map Plugin free WordPress plugin
Simple google map plugin, which allows multiple locations on the same map, and multiple maps in single post/page. Easy and simple settings A new post...

Message to Author free WordPress plugin
Message to Author is a WordPress plugin that allows users to message author of the post/CPT/page directly. This can be helpful to set up catalogs...

Simple Loan and Mortgage Calculator free WordPress plugin
Simple Loan and Mortgage Calculator generates a report on the payment of any loan or mortgage. The user can select the amount, the interest and...

Popular Chips free WordPress plugin
このプラグインは人気がある記事をランキングします。 以下の機能を提供します。 カスタム投稿タイプ対応 専用ウィジェット 専用ショートコード(ベータ) キャッシュ対応 PHP5が使用できる環境が必要です Licence GNU General Public License

ICS Calendar free WordPress plugin
It has been awhile since I updated this plugin, so I thought I would give you a new version with some big new features requested...

Instapago Payment Gateway for WooCommerce free WordPress plugin
Instapago is a technological solution designed for the market of electronic commerce (eCommerce) in Venezuela and Latin America, with the intention of offering a premium...

Simple Plyr free WordPress plugin
A Simple Plyr Video Player Plugin, You can use shortcode [plyr] to add a video. Now, Support paramter url and poster 0.0.1 init project

BP Events Calendar free WordPress plugin
BuddyPress Events Calendar is a professional quality events calendar plugin, that allow users to post events directly from their profile. BuddyPress Events Calendar seamlessly integrates...

Open edX LMS and WordPress integrator (LITE) free WordPress plugin
This plugin helps you set up your WordPress site as the front-end site or marketing site for your online learning initiative powered by the Open...