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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Title Icons free WordPress plugin
Title Icons does what it says: adds an icon to your post titles to give each post some flavour. Select from the icons provided, or...

HiDPI Gravatars free WordPress plugin
Automatically replaces the standard resolution Gravatars with HiDPI (Retina) Gravatars using HTML (when supported) or Javascript (as needed). You need this plugin if you want...

SW Slider Responsive free WordPress plugin
Slider support 3 themes these you can select in widget’s config.It support multi widgets that mean you can show more than one slider on one...

WP Responsive Slider free WordPress plugin
WP Responsive Slider is a wordpress plugin to display your slider on your website! The WP Responsive Slider is free to use, easy to create...

Protected Content free WordPress plugin
Check if the user can see protected content (This is a proof of conenpt ONLY, do NOT use) This plugin checks to see if each...

Animated Banners free WordPress plugin
The Animated Banners plugin was developed by Acumen in order to provide an easy way to generate sharp, eye-catching banner animations based on arbitrary HTML....

Widget Context free WordPress plugin
Use Widget Context to show and hide widgets on certain sections of your site — front page, posts, pages, archives, search, etc. Use targeting by...

Tweeter! free WordPress plugin
A stylized Twitter widget. I created this plugin because I wanted a better looking widget on my personal blog. It’s not as complex as some...

WP Awesome back to top free WordPress plugin
Free of useless code+Free of useless link. Yes,this is an awesome back to top plugin for wordpress.

Blogroll Pager free WordPress plugin
Blogroll widget, with next & prev controls to load new links via Ajax.