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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Custom Twitter Widget (CTW) DEPRECATED! free WordPress plugin
Custom Twitter Widget is deprecated and will not receive updates again. I recommend you install the new Awesome Twitter Feeds. CTW allows you to add...

WP Search Auto Match free WordPress plugin
Sometimes when user are using the search function of your blog. They may not know the full string of they want to search. And this...

Social Bookmarking JP free WordPress plugin
Social Bookmarking JP plugin embeds links and icons of Hatena Bookmark, Livedoor Clip, Yahoo!JAPAN Bookmark, BuzzURL, Twitter, Tumblr, FC2 Bookmark, newsing, Choix, Google Bookmark, Delicious...

WordPress Video Gallery free WordPress plugin
Free video gallery plugin for WordPress empowers you to add videos on your personal or business oriented website to help customers understand easily about the...

Poty Mail Send free WordPress plugin
Send mail easily from wordpress administration. Load the list of wordpress users with their email addresses to send an email, through a simple form. Envia...

Simple View free WordPress plugin
This plugin is WordPress shell for javascript FloatBox library by Byron McGregor. Floatbox is a javascript library for displaying windowed content over top of web...

WordPress Happy Gig Calendar free WordPress plugin
IYBI is a creative digital agency based in Sydney. With several clients in the music industry, we saw a real need for a user-friendly tool...

Sharekoube free WordPress plugin
Add to Sharedaddy support service. Twitter(日本語化) Google +1 Google Buzz はてなブックマーク mixiチェック Evernote PHP5 REQUIRE

WP Tool Tips free WordPress plugin
Let you include word definitios or explanations, in a tool-tip style. The explanation appears when the user pass the mouse over a tagged word.

T&P Navigation Menu free WordPress plugin
T&P Navigation Menu is a smart simple plugin that stick your default wordpress nav menu to the top of the page when you scroll down....