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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Placeholder Text free WordPress plugin
This plugin adds support for placeholder text in browsers that don’t support this HTML5 feature including Internet Explorer 6. The plugin just activates the placeholders.js...

Child Page Tree free WordPress plugin
Child Page Tree adds a select box to the page edit site right above the publish button. Using this select box you can decide whether...

Snippet Highlight free WordPress plugin
After reading about Dean Edwards star-light syntax highlighting library on, I decided to turn the results of their tutorial into a WordPress Plugin called...

WordPress Facebook Photos free WordPress plugin
WordPress Facebook Photos provides an easy way for you to create custom galleries for your WordPress blog. Simply create a Facebook app, then connect your...

news ticker free WordPress plugin
This is news ticker wordpress plugin. By using a simple [tickr_list] shortcode easily can use news ticker in your site. In this plugin easily control...

Simple Author Widget free WordPress plugin
Easy way to display the Author profile with four social networking profiles using widget. Through this plugin, Use can able to add four social networking...

Addmarx – Bookmark/Share/Email Dropdown free WordPress plugin
The Addmarx Bookmark, Share, Email, Link Dropdown was developed as a customizable, integrated method of distributing your content to various social bookmarking platforms. The plugin...

Twenty Fifteen Disqus Style free WordPress plugin
A plugin that styles the Disqus Comments Plugin for use in the Twenty Fifteen theme. Inspired by

WP Indicadores Economicos free WordPress plugin
WP Indicadores economicos Muestra los indicadores economicos para Chile. Ahora más rápido, almacena los datos en la cache local del servidor, conectandose solo 1 vez...

WODTogether Whiteboards free WordPress plugin
Allows embedding of WODTogether whiteboards into your blog posts automatically. Learn more about WODTogether