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Eric R
Plugin profiles

WP Fanatico Display Recent Posts Shortcode free WordPress plugin
This plugin allow users to display or listings recent posts without knowing PHP or editing template files. The plugin has its own CSS grid independent...

Woo Icon Stock free WordPress plugin
Ajoutez une icone de niveau de stock sur la fiche produit. 3 niveaux de stocks differents ‘En stock, Stock faible, Hors stock’. 3 types d’icones...

Sx RSS Ticker free WordPress plugin
Sx RSS Ticker allows you to place the contents of an RSS feed into your pages or posts. It uses the jQuery easy ticker plugin...

Markdown Highlighter free WordPress plugin
Features: Markdown Parser Syntax Highlighter Syntax Highlighter can work without markdown format also Highlightjs with github style included

Messenger Marketing for WooCommerce free WordPress plugin
What is Chatchamp? Chatchamp is a software that helps you communicate with your customers via Messenger. Generate leads via send-to-messenger ads that qualify prospects and...

Read and Understood free WordPress plugin
Read-and-Understood is a solution to the “I didn’t get the memo” problem. The Read and Understood (RnU) WordPress plugin offers readers the opportunity to record...

The Tooltip free WordPress plugin
The Tooltip Simple WordPress tooltip shortcode, full customize and easy to use. The Features One shortcode. Full customize. SEO friendly. Easy to use. Live Demo...

Custom Select free WordPress plugin
Allows you to stylise your select boxes and makes them look more appealing. For example, you can change the down arrow of the select box....

LDW reCAPTCHA free WordPress plugin
This plugin will add a Google reCAPTCHA v2 challenge to your comment form. Just add your free keys and your good to go. Kills 99%...

Contact Bot free WordPress plugin
“We think you should message a business just the way you would message a friend,” Mark Zuckerberg said on stage at f8. We think so...