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Eric R
Plugin profiles

hideShowPassword free WordPress plugin
Lets you easily show or hide the contents of the password field on the WordPress login screen. Uses the excellent hideShowPassword jQuery plugin by the...

Customizer Social Icons free WordPress plugin
Customizer Social Icons aims to bring one of the most implemented features across websites into your WordPress Customizer. It helps to bridge the gap of...

Color Palette Generator free WordPress plugin
This plugin is ideal for blog owners who like to do something more with their images, or for webshop owners who like to filter products...

OS Image Gallery free WordPress plugin
OS Image Gallery is responsive image gallery which can be used anywhere in your posts, pages, custom post types etc with a wide variety of...

BuddyPress Checkins free WordPress plugin
This plugin allows BuddyPress members to share their location when they are posting activities, you can add places where you visited, nearby locations based on...

Woocommerce products list and grid view free WordPress plugin
It’s a beautiful plugin to show Woocommerce products list and grid view in the content blocks using shortcode or widget using ajax load more pagination...

Phanes Payments free WordPress plugin
NOTE: Venmo just shut down the ability for anyone to accept web payments, we are developing an alternative. We will keep you posted. Accept Venmo...

WordPress Infinite Scroll by Auto Load Next Post free WordPress plugin
You have great content. That’s great but you shouldn’t have to work twice as hard to get the pageviews you want. While Auto Load Next...

WP Recently Viewed free WordPress plugin
Let visitors see there recently view post by a widget. 讓訪客通過小工具查看他們最近訪問過的文章 You can also get the Recently Viewed by any section with id=”recently_viewed” 你也可以通過任何 id=”recently_viewed”...

Scroll Top Fader free WordPress plugin
Scroll Top Fader adds a convenient scroll to the top feature to the front-end of your website. It includes a number of really nice configurable...