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Eric R
Plugin profiles

LinkedIn SC free WordPress plugin
This plugin will parse your linkedIn profile and allow you to display it on any page or post using shortcodes, therefore allowing you to customize...

Latest Post Accordian Slider free WordPress plugin
This is one of the best Accordian Slider for displaying latest posts in wordpress. It is simplest and shortcode based plugin. It displays featured images...

Laterpay free WordPress plugin
Overview The Laterpay WordPress plugin is a content monetization solution for your WordPress page. We enable you to collect voluntary financial contributions from your audience,...

WP Testimonials Slider free WordPress plugin
WP Testimonials Slider is a wordpress testimonials sliderplugin. Use this shortcode [WPTS-TESTIMONIAL] in the post/page” where you want to display slider! The plugin is designed...

Simple Picasa Album Embedder free WordPress plugin
Ever searched for the perfect gallery plugin only to find all of them a bit too much, or not exactly right for your design? Me...

BuddyPress Activity Plus free WordPress plugin
BuddyPress Activity Plus adds Facebook-style content sharing buttons to the BuddyPress activity feed so users can quickly share articles, videos, and images with others. Paste...

SportsPost – Enriched Sports Posts free WordPress plugin
Enhance your sports posts with rich, detailed metadata about games, teams, and players, and with live game photos. SportsPost 2.0 allows WordPress editors to search...

WP Quick Shop free WordPress plugin
Author: Fahad Mahmood Project URI: Free Version: Premium Version: License: GPL 3. See License below for copyright jots and titles. WP Quick...

plus twit like free WordPress plugin
Add google +1, tweet, and/or fb like buttons to all posts. All buttons functions and sizes can be controlled on plugin admin page.

jCarousel for WordPress free WordPress plugin
This plugin displays thumbnail images in a carousel using jQuery jCarousel. Clicking an image or scrolling fades in a large version of the image. Important...