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Eric R
Plugin profiles

WP Taxi Me free WordPress plugin
This plugin adds either in the main text or a widget the ability to order a taxi direct from your mobile site to your business...

Client and Product Testimonials free WordPress plugin
Client and Product Testimonials is the most robust, stylish and extensible testimonial plugin. Quickly and easily generate beautiful testimonials for your site in just a...

Woo Simple Gift Wrapping free WordPress plugin
Small plugin create to help store owner add gift wrapping fee to order and let buyer select a gift card if they want Require WooCommerce...

Storefront Gridder free WordPress plugin
This plugin is built to work only for the Storefront theme. How to use: After installation go to Appearance => Customize => Gridder Products Gallery...

Human Presence free WordPress plugin
Human Presence is a fraud prevention and form protection service that uses multiple overlapping strategies to fight form spam including: protecting user registration and login...

FB Page Feed free WordPress plugin
Facebook Page Feed is compatible with all Facebook pages and WordPress sites. After downloading and installing Facebook Page Feed your website visitors will gain access...

Frontier Query free WordPress plugin
Frontier Query enables you to query your WordPress site from search form, widget and shortcodes. Build shortcodes using the Frontier Query Shortcode builder – It...

YITH Custom Login free WordPress plugin
Install the plugin and change the default style of wordpress login. Set a pretty style to login page of your website and customize it according...

YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder free WordPress plugin
YITH Woocommerce Review Reminder allows you to send, after 7 days the order status is set to “Completed”, a reminder to customers with an invitation...

Repeater Entries Widget free WordPress plugin
Repeater Entries Widget – Let users to enter as many entries as they want in widget with repeater fields like caption, description, image, etc. Repeater...