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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Media License free WordPress plugin
Extend your media files with license information. Customizable and themable.

WP Fusion Lite free WordPress plugin
WP Fusion Lite synchronizes your WordPress users with leading CRMs and marketing automation systems, keeps user profiles in sync with CRM contact records, and lets...

MS-Subscriber free WordPress plugin
Places on all pages (or selected) widget with a form to subscribe to the newsletter. The widget can be minimized. Remembers the form view. That...

Bonanza – WooCommerce Free Gifts Lite free WordPress plugin
Bonanza Free Gifts Plugin for WooCommerce allows you to run free gifts promotions and lure your shoppers to spend more money with your business. Use...

LocalSEOMap free WordPress plugin
LocalSEOMap is a WordPress plugin that makes it fast and easy to improve website rankings in local search results. The plugin adds valid SEO methods...

Category Tag Tidy free WordPress plugin
Allows quick and simple deletion of all unused categories and tags. In order to maintain your categories structure – unused parent categories will not be...

Loginer – Custom Login Page Builder free WordPress plugin
Loginer – WordPress Custom Login Page Builder Plugin Loginer Custom Login Page Builder is a powerful WordPress plugin that lets you create your custom login...

Plugin for Google Analytics by IO technologies free WordPress plugin
Understand how audience reads your content. It is very important to know how is your content perceived by your audience, especially when you put lots...

Files and Docs from Google Drive free WordPress plugin
To see the plugin in action, head on to our demo page. Features Minimal requirements WordPress 5.0 or higher PHP 7.0 or higher GitHub