So nice to see you!

Eric R
Plugin profiles

SendGrid Mailing List free WordPress plugin
This plugin is a very basic simple plugin that utilizes the API to be able to have users enter their email to a particular...

Link Badges free WordPress plugin
Whenever your content contains a link to a file, this plugin can display: An icon for the link The type of file The size of...

Amazon Affiliate Reviews free WordPress plugin
Amazon Affiliate Reviews is a tool that adds a Reviews custom post if it does not exist and allows you to add Amazon product review...

Wel!Amazon Adds free WordPress plugin
The Plugin Wel!Amazon Adds is an easy way to include Amazon links into your WordPress Blog. It enables the integration of Image Links and Extended...

ThreeWP Ajax Search free WordPress plugin
Enables ajax searches for content. The default settings work automatically with Twentyten and derivatives. It uses WordPress’ built-in search. Works well with Relevanssi because ajax...

Instant Weekly Roundup free WordPress plugin
Instant Weekly Roundup is a free WordPress Plugin which will help you create the weekly or monthly or any span roundups of your blog posts...

Easy BXSlider free WordPress plugin
Taking the BXSlider to the next level for WordPress! Easy to update and maintain slides, as simple as adding and removing pages to your WordPress...

Currently Active Visitors List free WordPress plugin
Currently active visitors is a WordPress plugin using which you can show live/active website visitors in a list. Live visitors are updated automatically without page...

Radio Forge Muses Player with Skins free WordPress plugin
RadioForge Players enable native audio playback within the browser. It supports all browsers i.e. iOS, Android, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE and Opera. RadioForge Players uses...

Just Ticker free WordPress plugin
This plugin adds a ticker which shows recent posts as headlines. You can set the position top or bottom, fixed or absolute or set the...