So nice to see you!

Eric R
Plugin profiles

Unwrap Images free WordPress plugin
“Unwrap Images” removes paragraph tags (that WordPress includes automaticaly) from images. This plugin is built on jQuery and requires jQuery. (loaded automatically)

Cumulonimbus free WordPress plugin
This is a similar plugin with WP-Cumulus ( but implemented with HTML5. This plugin requires the modern browsers which support HTML5.

ZMT fancybox free WordPress plugin
It’s very simply WordPress plugin for „nice“ shows pictures / galleries in lightbox. This plugin implements javascript library fancybox to header and footer pages created...

WC Abandoned Cart Recovery free WordPress plugin
Plugin works as a daemon for Woocommerce powered sites. Sending followup mails to site customers who left cart abandoned, facing issues in payment i.e Cancelled...

Google Maps and Distance Finder plugin free WordPress plugin
Google Maps and Distance Finder lets you add an interactive google map to the wordpress site. On the contact page of your website you can...

WP Facebook Public Page RSS free WordPress plugin
This lets you pull in a Facebook feed into your sidebar (and limit how many words displayed), or with a shortcode into a page or...

Wp-Syntax Hacktify free WordPress plugin
A plugin allowing you to change the WP-Syntax code highlighting color scheme elegantly. WP-Syntax rawks for writing about geeky stuff, but I want it more...

Professional Opt-in free WordPress plugin
Professional Opt-in gently floats in from the bottom of the page without angering your users – causing them to bounce. Users can read your content...

Mio Custom Recent Posts Widget free WordPress plugin
That can be configured item Change of title Display switching of thumbnail Setting the thumbnail size ( to abide to the size of the media...

Social Juggernaut free WordPress plugin
This plugin was designed with ease-of-use in mind. The coding used is very basic, so edits are not hard. I will be updating in the...