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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Alopeyk WooCommerce Shipping free WordPress plugin
Alopeyk is Iran’s leading on-demand urban logistics platform bringing instant delivery within anyone’s reach. It uses an extensive network of motorcycle and pickup couriers to...

Adivaha free WordPress plugin
Adivaha Hotel Plugin saves your lot of time while creating Hotel pages. It fetches the hotel informations automatically via API and keeps you away from...

WPO friendly Share free WordPress plugin
WPO Friendly Share The simplest and lightest option of having some buttons of the main social networks to share content on your website or to...

Simple Youtube Widget free WordPress plugin
This plugin lets you to display Youtube widget on sidebar with the themes that supports sidebar and Footer It displays video and playlist of your...

Better Speed free WordPress plugin
This plugin will allow you to easily remove bloat and turn off unused features, in order to streamline your website and reduce file requests. It...

Recent Post Scroll Widget free WordPress plugin
Recent Post Scroll Widget is very customizable post widget . There are a lot’s of option to display your recent post . Here some of...

Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce free WordPress plugin
We think WooCommerce is the best e-commerce plugin for WordPress. But it lacks some very basic features like customizing checkout fields in an easy to...

Stripe Payments Plugin for WordPress – WPPayForm free WordPress plugin
View Demo | User Guide | Youtube Documentation Playlist Do you want to accept payments along with user inputs in WordPress? Then WPPayForm is the...

Earth Day Live WP free WordPress plugin
Earth Day Live April 22 will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. That’s why we’re launching a massive livestream from April 22-24 where millions...

WP Frontend Delete Account free WordPress plugin
Lets customers delete thier account by their own from their myaccount page for WooCommerce sites. New ‘Delete Account’ tab will be created automatically in myaccount...