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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Author Widget free WordPress plugin
Show your Blog author list in Cool Styles & more features Features Main Features Most Options Available Add Anywhere in Widget Area. Awesome Visual Outlook....

ILC FLVBox free WordPress plugin
ILC FLVBox will parse your post content looking for links to FLV videos. When found, it will add a player to play it inline or...

Email subscriber free WordPress plugin
Best and the simple way to make your blog perfect and add a widget so people can subscribe to your email list. Free plugin with...

WP Child Post free WordPress plugin
WM Child Post wordpress plugins use for showing child post inside Post, Page or Widget area. If you want to active FAQ feature please check...

Flexible Post Filter free WordPress plugin
Key Features: Create a Fully Responsive Portfolio to Display and Filter Your Posts. Filter Your Posts by Categories. Quickly and Easily Enable your Responsive Gallery...

WP Responsive Slideshows free WordPress plugin
WP Responsive Slideshows Plugin for Adding Multiple Resposive Slideshow into WP Sites.

freetobook widget free WordPress plugin
The freetobook plugin is ideal for accommodation providers looking to add online booking functionality to their wordpress website. You can choose to have a booking...

Stylish Instagram Gallery free WordPress plugin
This plugin is used for adding instagram image gallery into your wordpress site.It’s easy to use,user friendly,completely responsive and have 4 different styles. Shortcodes 1.Default...

Gameplorer`s WPColorBox free WordPress plugin
There are a few ColorBox plugins available, but the most of them add inline JavaScript code to your site, embed the script files in the...

Centrora WordPress Security™ free WordPress plugin
YOUR ALL-IN-ONE SECURITY PLUGIN Centrora WordPress Security is an all-in-one security plugin specifically designed to safeguard websites of WordPress users. It has integrated firewall, file...