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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Quick related post free WordPress plugin
Description: A Related Posts plugin that is easy-to-use & highly customizable. Display list of related posts by tags & categories, let you decide number of...

Simply Snow free WordPress plugin
There are a lot of plugins that create a snowing effect on your site, but I wanted one that simply added a snowing effect without...

Panorama free WordPress plugin
View 360 Degree images in WordPress Thanks Liviu Holhos to write jQuery functions. Features: * Easy Installation. * Using Mouse Wheel for move image.

Picasa Albums free WordPress plugin
Picasa Albums For WordPress gives you full control over how you Picasa Albums displayed in your blog by adding custom post type “Albums” to your...

Thumbshots plugin free WordPress plugin
This plugin allows any user to add previews of websites right in the content of their posts using a simple [thumb][/thumb] format. Users may also...

Ceneo Plugin free WordPress plugin
Ceneo plugin – prosta wtyczka, która pozwala na wyświetlanie na stronie rankingu produktów z serwisu Po zainstalowaniu pluginu mamy możliwość wyświetlania na stronie najpopularniejszych...

WP-Whoami free WordPress plugin
Just another widget to show a photo, a bio and some social media links with nice webfont-icons The plugin is using the JustVector Social Icons...

Survey Generator Plugin free WordPress plugin
Would you like to be able to put surveys anywhere on your web pages? This survey generator gives you an easy way to do that....

WooCommerce Payment Fees Lite free WordPress plugin
This extension will add new section in each WooCommerce Payment Gateway that will allow you to add additional fees to your gateways. It’s useful for...

Klan1 WP List Subpages free WordPress plugin
IMPORTANT: This plugin requires Klan1 Common WP Functions plugin: USAGE [k1-list-pages mode=table] [k1-list-pages mode=list] OTHER PARAMETERS: This are written as ‘parameter’ => default value...