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Eric R
Plugin profiles

aNobii WordPress Widget free WordPress plugin
aNobii WordPress Widget is a WordPress widget which shows randomly the covers of some books from your aNobii’s shelf. Changelog: 1.1 – Now you can:...

Scrapes Lite – Automatic web content crawler and auto post plugin for WordPress free WordPress plugin
Scrapes Lite is a WordPress plugin that copies contents from a website to your WordPress website for once or multiple times in chosen time intervals...

Global Javascript free WordPress plugin
Allows the user to create custom javascript for their WordPress powered site on a global level. The Javascript made by the user of the plugin...

WooCommerce JNE Shipping free WordPress plugin
WooCommerce JNE Shipping mengintegrasikan ongkos pengiriman dengan total belanja konsumen Anda pada saat checkout. Dengan beragam fitur yang ditawarkan, plugin ini sungguh powerful dan menjadikan...

Site Slideshow free WordPress plugin
Site Slideshow looks for pictures in all articles and pages, fetches one of them as representative of the post and gathered it into a slideshow...

Sticky Comments free WordPress plugin
This plugin allows you to do the following: Allow you to set comments as Sticky from the comment edit page Re-does the order in which...

WP Old Post Date Remover free WordPress plugin
WP Old Post Date Remover removes the distractingly old date from otherwise perfectly good evergreen content on your WordPress blog. This plugin does not deal...

Responsive Google Effect Portfolio Grid free WordPress plugin
A powerful portfolio/gallery plugin “Responsive Google Effect Portfolio Grid” having variety of features to showcase your portfolio/pictures in a very clean way to make this...

WP Float Related Posts free WordPress plugin
Best way to increase pageviews for wordpress website. Engage your users by clicking on related articles which are showed after reading the article. Easy to...

SB Gallery for WordPress free WordPress plugin
SB Gallery enhance the layout , styling and fancybox of your WordPress default gallery. Simply use WordPress default gallery and you will be able to...