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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Photo Credits free WordPress plugin
Photo Credits Plugin searches for images in your post and displays the credits, if present, at the bottom left corner of the image. Unzip the...

Shabat Time Wigdet free WordPress plugin
Presentation of the weekly Torah portion and shabbat entry and exit time according to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Be’er Sheva.

Tweet Embed free WordPress plugin
With this plugin, you can post the URLs of Twitter status updates, just in the same way you would with YouTube videos or Flickr photos....

iMeud Auto-hide header free WordPress plugin
Auto-hide the header bar. covers a theme within nav tag. *Effective with Theme with header tag.

Market 360 Viewer free WordPress plugin
Embed 360 product views created and downloaded from web application into your WordPress posts and pages. Thousands of 360 product packshots ready to use....

Jumbo Share free WordPress plugin
This social share bar mimics social share bar. It’s collapsible and contains big Ajax powered counter that counts overall shares for your posts/pages. Jumbo...

Amazing Widgets free WordPress plugin
Amazing Widgets is a feature-packed plugin that adds the most commonly used widgets to your site. Rather than having to download several plugins by various...

Infinite Post Transporter free WordPress plugin
In addition to normal infinite scroll behavior, this plugin adds infinite scroll to the single post page. When reading a single post, once the reader...

Mark New Posts free WordPress plugin
Highlight unread WordPress posts. Features: Works right out of the box 4 different types of markers for highlighting posts: an orange circle a text label...

On The Road free WordPress plugin
Going traveling? On The Road allows you to geolocalize your posts, group them into journeys, and add any number of customizable maps – of a...