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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Cryptocoin Live Ticker free WordPress plugin
Display cryptocoins current price, 24 hours price change and 7 days price change on your website. You can select which coins/pairs to display. Supported pairs:...

Fullscreen Video Embed free WordPress plugin
Usage is like so: [fullscreen_video youtubeId=”B7wkzmZ4GBw” placeholderImage=”” title=“Big Buck Bunny“ subtitle=“Play Video” height=”400″]

Banner Introduction Slider free WordPress plugin
This plugin add a Responsive Banner Introduction Slider in your website. Also you can add Responsive Banner Introduction Slider page and mobile touch slider in...

DIOT SCADA with MQTT free WordPress plugin
DIOT which stands for Decoupled IOT, has its SCADA functionalities decoupled into Host and Node for flexibility and scalability that catered for IoT era. This...

Dispensary Coupons free WordPress plugin
The Dispensary Coupons plugin is an official add-on for the WP Dispensary menu management plugin. With this plugin installed, you can add coupons to your...

Support Online free WordPress plugin
Help show support information online to your website, such as email, hotline and yahoo, skype status Uninstall Go to plugins management page and Deactive it.

PDF Generator Crowd API free WordPress plugin
This plugin makes it very easy to create PDF’s on the fly. With a single shortcode it could create X amount of PDF’s “on the...

WDES Responsive Popup free WordPress plugin
WDES Responsive Popup is a desktop, mobile, browser, and user/developer friendly. This plugin is design for your window popup content for your WordPress website. You...

CM OnBoarding Plugin free WordPress plugin
Product Page | Video | Demo | User Guide | Additional CM Plugins Create an onboarding tutorial on your site to improve your user experience....

Product Display for Shopify free WordPress plugin
Product Display for Shopify takes a product sku, and pulls in the product name, price, image, description and link, and displays it in a post.