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Eric R
Plugin profiles

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: Typescript Brush free WordPress plugin
Adds support for the TypeScript language to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin.

Black Bar free WordPress plugin
Black Bar is an unobtrusive Debug Bar for WordPress developers that attaches itself to the bottom of the browser window. It is a rewrite of...

Contact Page With Google Map free WordPress plugin
This plugin creates a custom post type for Contact Pages. This allows users to create more than one contact page quickly and easily. In addition...

UM Infinite Scroll Member Directory free WordPress plugin
Activate infinite scroll in Ultimate Member directory and get rid of pagination! Live Demo Demo

Advanced Author Box free WordPress plugin
This plugin adds an author box to the ends of your posts, with your gravatar / avatar, your name, your website and description and optional...

Skautské fonty free WordPress plugin
Minimální požadavky WordPress 4.9.6 a vyšší PHP 7.0 a vyšší Plugin načítá písma z, kde jsou centrálně aktualizovaná. Plugin obsahuje nastavení, takže si můžete...

WP Contest free WordPress plugin
Grow and monetize your contest! WP Contest is a flexible plugin that allows you to run your contest from your WordPress site. Setup is simple....

UNIVERSAM free WordPress plugin
Бесплатная платформа для интернет-магазина и бизнеса с CRM, рассылкой, SEO, вКонтакте, 1С, аналитикой, marketplace и др. В платформу входят инструменты для продвижения бизнеса. Мы с...

Gutenblocks free WordPress plugin
Guteblocks is a collection of Gutenberg blocks for the new WordPress editor.

Fogata BOTS free WordPress plugin
Say goodbye to bad customer service! With Fogata BOTS your customers will receive an instant answer 24/7. Our platform was designed to be friendly and...