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Eric R
Plugin profiles

News Aggregator free WordPress plugin
Get real-time news for your site. Easily display real-time news by topic on your website. This plugin offers simple news aggregation feeds that can be...

Advanced Author Exposed free WordPress plugin
The plugin links a hidden DIV (layer) with information about the author to any item on a page (i.e. the author’s name or the author’s...

Cool fade popup free WordPress plugin
Sometimes its useful to add a popup to your site to show your announcement. Check official website for live demo Live Demo More info...

Twitter Flock free WordPress plugin
With Twitter Flock you can : show tweets from multiple accounts or only one account, cache tweets for faster page load, set different color scheme...

Banner Aink free WordPress plugin
A JQuery based Banner Displays a sliding or fading list of banner. Starting from WordPress ver.3.0. in Banner Aink Setting, you can set: Banner Aink...

GoogleAnalyticsCounter free WordPress plugin
Displays your visits from Google Analytics in a Feedburner like style in the sidebar of your blog via widget interface or anywhere else via function...

TentBlogger Simple Top Blog Commenters free WordPress plugin
Want to show a list of the top commenters on your blog? This lightweight, simple, and customizable plugin is it! A simple way to show...

Latest Posts with Share free WordPress plugin
This is a WordPress widget to display the latest blog posts. From the functionality point of view, this widget is just like the standard Recent...

Social Gator free WordPress plugin
Social Gator will enable a widget to be placed in one of your sidebars. After configuring the widget with your social RSS feeds, your sidebar...

th23 User Management free WordPress plugin
All user management activities like login, user profile, register, lost password, etc. can be done via the themed frontend of your website. Access for user...