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Eric R
Plugin profiles

WordPress Advanced Ticket System, Elite Support Helpdesk free WordPress plugin
This WordPress plugin adds the features of a complete support ticket system for WordPress. This allows users to submit tickets to report problems or get...

WP Search for Comments – LITE free WordPress plugin
This is a lite version of plugin Plugin for search in comments. The plugin you are looking for. It’s search through comments. Can be added...

WPDB Profiling free WordPress plugin
Render database profiling at the bottom of all WordPress pages. To install, upload wpdb-profiling to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, activate the plugin, and enable / disable...

Preferred Languages free WordPress plugin
Thanks to language packs it’s easier than ever before to change the main language of your site. However, in some cases a single locale is...

Quick Image Gallery free WordPress plugin
Faster and simpler than lightbox and nextgen. All you need to do is activate and let the plugin do its thing. Features Works on all...

MDC Theme Switcher free WordPress plugin
BIG UPDATE [new] Since 3.0.0, each of the visitors can set his own theme that won’t effect others’! We mean, there will be different themes...

Shortcodes4all free WordPress plugin
Shortcodes are simple commands written directly to the post or page text area. They are enclosed in square brackets – [shortcode]text[/shortcode] – and can have... free WordPress plugin
Das Plugin stellte WordPress-Tags bereit, um in WordPress-Seiten einfachst darzustellen: Veranstaltungs-Kalender Veranstaltungs-Details Veranstaltungs-Gruppen-Informationen Veranstaltungs-Bildergalerien Aktuelle Meldungen Newsletter-Subscribe-Dialog …weiteres nach Bedarf, bitte melden! –...

Helios Solutions Custom Admin Theme free WordPress plugin
Fully customize you wordpress admin dashboard with your own colour choices. Helios Solutions Custom Admin Theme Style endeavours to transform your working experience into more...

TechGasp Video Master free WordPress plugin
Another outstanding plugin for wordpress. Vimeo Master let’s you integrate the superb Vimeo Video Sharing Network into any wordpress website. Done with TechGasp style, uses...