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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Clean-Contact free WordPress plugin
Clean-contact hides itself from spam-bots and optionally will filter messages using Akismet. Capctha and skill testing questions not required. The plugin has minimal configuration and...

Inline Ajax Page free WordPress plugin
This plugin has had over 30,000 views and 10,000 Downloads since March 16, 2007. Thank You all for your support! However, INAP has been retired...

Easy Contact free WordPress plugin
Easy Contact is a simple contact form that utilizes the Sandbox design patterns to create a highly semantic, XHTML-based contact form you can insert using...

After The Deadline For Comments free WordPress plugin
Implements After The Deadline proofreading on the comments form.

WP Easy Post Types free WordPress plugin
This plugin lets you take advantage of the WordPress 3.0 custom post type feature, and create your own post type. The plugin allows you to...

Posts Carousel Widget free WordPress plugin
This plugin will allow your site to display your category posts into a jquery carousel which can be added to your website’s sidebar.

FlickrTips free WordPress plugin
FlickrTips is a simple AJAX enhancement to hyperlinks within a WordPress blog. When the user mouses over a link to an image or a Flickr...

Slide2Comment free WordPress plugin
My aim was it to build an anti-spam captcha which just look awesome and people have fun to use it. Not like these stupid and...

QF-GetThumb-wb free WordPress plugin
This plugin branched from version 1.1.3 of QF-GetThumb. Added function and change configuration screen. Thank you Q.F. and QF-GetThumb. QF-GetThumb-wb is plugin to make the...

Daskal free WordPress plugin
Run a tutorials site with WordPress. This plugin lets you publish step-by-step tutorials, get them rated etc. Please go to Settings -> Daskal Options page...