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Eric R
Plugin profiles

JQuery UI Theme free WordPress plugin
A wordpress plugin that allows you to use jquery ui css within your plugins and themes. You can use the following lines of code within...

SS Font Awesome Icon free WordPress plugin
Easiest way to integrate Font Awesome Icon in any post or widget. Example below : You can use: [icon type=”s” name=”umbrella” size=”15″ padding=”2″] (All...

WP-JustGiving free WordPress plugin
NOTE: This plugin is still in development, and at the moment doesn’t do very much. If you have any suggestions for the plugin, please contact...

AS-PDF free WordPress plugin
This plug-in generates PDF documents from posts. Very useful if you plan to share your posts in PDF format. Link to a PDF document is...

WP Speed of Light free WordPress plugin
WordPress does not have a system for speed optimization by default. That’s why you need a powerful plugin that speed up WordPress with technical and...

WooCommerce qTML free WordPress plugin
Important: WooCommerce-qTML is no longer developed and supported, since qTranslate and mqTranslate are no longer active. Both plugins have been deprecated and merged into qTranslate-X,...

RecipeCan Recipes free WordPress plugin
A WordPress plugin that organizes recipes on your blog. This is the WordPress plugin that we use to manage all of the recipes on the...

Amazon Search free WordPress plugin
This plugin allows you to link directly to items in your posts using a special tag of the form: [amazon ASIN=0123456789]Fancy Title[/amazon] The plugin lets...

Multiple Votes in one page free WordPress plugin
Most of vote plugins available in library share the common limitation: They can’t have multiple votes appeared in one web page. The reason is that...

Facbook Public Photo Slider Lite free WordPress plugin
You can share any public shared facebook photo album or fanpage album using this plugin. It doesn’t require any registration or app Id or anything....