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Eric R
Plugin profiles

wp-scroll-up free WordPress plugin
Adds a Scroll To Top button that allows visitors to scroll back to the top of the page. You can customize the button style using...

Weekly TimeTable – WordPress PlugIn free WordPress plugin
Basically, this systems installs 2 tables in the db: – the entry table – the time table Whenever you create an entry you can associate...

Tooltip Wp free WordPress plugin
Pure CSS3 Tooltips For WordPress is a lightweight, easy to use tooltips plugin for WordPress. It’s based on pure CSS3 and comes with some different...

NextGEN-FlashViewer free WordPress plugin
The famous Adobe Flash Plugins (SimpleViewer, TiltViewer, AutoViewer, PostcardViewer) from Airtight Interactive for NextGEN Gallery. Check NextGEN ImageFlow for another add-on for your NextGEN Gallery...

Seoatl On Site Google Analytics free WordPress plugin
Google Analytics is a great tool, but requires some technical capabilities to understand it. This plugin takes some very basic, although important, data from Google...

WP Responsive Videos free WordPress plugin
This plugin enables you to embed responsive video on your WP posts, pages and even on to your sidebars/widgets. It works like a charm with...

bCMS free WordPress plugin
Make WordPress a better CMS. Create a post loop in a widget. Lazy load widgets. More shortcodes. More good. Widgets Post Loop allows you to...

User Messages free WordPress plugin
WordPress does not allow your users to communicate with each other. Some forum plugins can add this functionnality but are quite heavy, do other things...

Kento Scroll Jump Top free WordPress plugin
Kento Scroll. Jump. Top. Is a simple and very light plugin that will take your visitors to the top of the page once they are...

Yet Another Photoblog free WordPress plugin
Convert your WordPress Blog into a full featured photoblog in virtually no time. Use the full range of WordPress functions and plugins: Benefit from the...